Eating for lifestyle and performance


Nutrition plays a vital role in our ability to progress. Food fuels the body to be able to perform and if we are not filling and replenishing, we fail to provide the appropriate sustenance for the body to grow. The saying “We are what we eat” plays true to an extent and if our body and mind are constantly are odds due to an unhealthy environment, then we are doing a disservice to our performance in the long run.

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

While the body is based off energy expenditure meaning calories in versus calories out, eating healthy or natural food sources does play a role in health and function. Eating foods that are wholesome and micronutrient dense not only keeps our health in check but allows for the body to do its work easier. Foods that are toxic to your body trigger your immune system to have a self defense type of response and this causes your gut to interpret some foods differently. Toxins that your body can not get rid of are also stored in your fat cells which is not very good. If your body it is stressed from trying to get rid of toxins in your body from processed/refined foods that you should not be eating, it’s going to take away from other areas. Now this isn’t to say you should completely restrict unhealthy food but to eat with moderation and have a healthy BALANCE between it all. I go by the 80/20 rule which refers to 80% of my meals would be organic or natural food sources and the other 20% is whatever I feel like within reason.

There are other considerations such as foods that are pro-inflammatory which could affect recovery time or cause more inflammation to our body. Foods such as dairy, bread or some nuts should be eaten within moderation to reduce the amount of inflammation caused. Again, this is not saying to lay off them completely but just to be aware of the effects they may have on your body, especially if you are trying your best to induce the best recovery methods. 

Calories In and Out vs Clean Eating

One of the biggest misconceptions is that for you to lose weight you have to eat healthy or that for you to gain weight you need to dirty bulk. As mentioned above, the body is based on energy expenditure and this means it is based off calories in versus calories out. I could eat one Big Mac a day and I would not gain any weight if that is my only meal. At the same time, If I eat 20kgs of organic brown rice (god forbid anyone eats that much) I would probably put on a lot of weight….like a lot. 

Eating To Grow

Based off what was said above, I apply the 80/20 rule to my calorie counting to work out what's best for me. I eat slightly above maintenance (which is what our body needs to eat to maintain its current bodyweight). This provides me with enough sustenance for growth with limited amount of fat gain. Without worrying about lack of recovery or energy from the caloric surplus (more calories consumed than what you burn), training can be optimised to the most work without nutrition being a limiting factor. Note that your metabolic rate will always be changing and that factors like stress, sleep, training or daily changes in habit could easily undulate it on a daily basis.

I hope this article helps you guys with nutrition and how to eat to not only grow but also to optimise performance and health. 

Peace Out Movement Fam!

Coach Matty